Prom Queen Qualities and Campaign Ideas

Updated February 13, 2019
Teen girl prom queen wearing tiara

Becoming prom queen is a committed, exhaustive process. You need to be socially connected and must know how to be a friend to everyone. If you are good at fitting in, remembering names, and are comfortable around strangers, you may be the next monarch at your school's most important dance of the year.

Act Like You've Already Won

The best way to become prom queen is to act like you already are one. Be a balanced individual and know how to be friendly. Your goal is to be liked by the majority at any given lunch table, and to do that, you have to know how to make the rounds while feeling content and comfortable.


Well-rounded means having varied interests. You don't have to be the best at every activity, but you do need to know a bit about everything and be at least acquaintances with everyone. If you are only friends with other popular people, you will never earn the votes of the other groups. Consider joining or at least getting to know individuals involved with certain activities, such as the following:

  • Cheerleading
  • Book club
  • School newspaper
  • Debate team
  • Other extracurricular activities
  • Fundraisers

It's also important to contribute to your overall community, not just your school. You should also be willing to win the encouragement of your peers' parents and of teachers, as they may influence voting. Do this by participating in some out-of-school activities:

  • Volunteer at the library or at an animal shelter.
  • Be friendly to customers at an after-school job.
  • Participate in a religious activity.

Aspirations and Goals

You should also have specific goals set for yourself. Know what colleges you'd like to attend if you haven't already been accepted and discuss your career goals with other students while also showing interest in theirs.

Personality Traits

Your competition may be fierce during prom queen nominations! You'll need to have a friendly exterior and always wear a smile. This will set you above the other candidates and show that you aren't petty like your competition. Remember to do the following:

  • Demonstrate kindness.
  • Be helpful to friends and strangers.
  • Be seen talking to members of different social circles.
  • Look presentable.
  • Hang out with others who demonstrate these qualities.

Academic Life

A worthy prom queen always keeps school as her first priority. Students want to vote for a focused young woman with a sharp mind, and that means never falling behind class or missing school for social reasons.

Campaigning for Prom Queen

Your record will be the deciding factor for some who want to vote. Be sure to casually remind others about your past experiences in high school. Maybe you didn't have time to join their club this year, but you were an active member in the past. A literary type would appreciate knowing how much you enjoy your favorite poet. There are many ways to run a successful campaign so you have the best possible chance of winning.

Campaign Early

Even if you don't take action right away, plan ahead regarding what activities and events you'd like to get involved in. Begin asking friends and family members why they'd vote for you and how you can get others to do so as well. They may note some personality traits of yours that can be highlighted during your campaign.

Getting Some Help

Enlist others to assist in making posters and banners. Having others give you a hand will take some pressure off of you and you never know if someone will come up with an amazing idea that can help you win. Be sure to thank everyone who helps you. Offering a small gift or treat at the end of your campaign will show those that helped you how much you appreciate their hard work.

Utilize Social Media

Maintain fun social media with the permission of your parents and invite others to visit your site and learn about you. Accept all friend requests from students at your school.

Make Announcements

Make class or assembly announcements. The more people hear about you and become familiar with your name, the more likely they are to vote for you. Exposure can be a powerful tool when it comes to campaigning successfully. Be sure to sound friendly and relatable during your announcements and try to come up with a catchy slogan or cute rhyme that people will remember when they see your name on the voting ballot.

Decorate Your Car and Locker

Decorate your car and locker with fun images and your slogan. You can also ask the owners of local hang outs if you can post campaign banners at their establishments.

Get Involved

Joining clubs, sports, and groups can help you get to know more people at your school. The more people who hang out with you and get to know you, the better chance you have of attracting more votes.

Smiling young female soccer player on field at night

Show Your Fun Side

Be sure to let your personality shine. Interact with people who you normally wouldn't and be kind, polite, and show interest in what they're in to.

Organize Events

If your school allows it, organize a few fun events during lunch that promote you. These can be mini talent shows, cook-offs, and impromptu dance parties.

Give out Swag

If your school approves, hand out fun cupcakes, shirts, buttons and bracelets with your name and slogan on them. Try to get your friends to wear these items to promote you as a candidate.

Cupcakes on the foreground while a woman decorates the last one

Positive Attitude

A friendly demeanor and winning attitude is the best way to become prom queen. Display your integrity and show that you are worthy of the title. Don't forget to show good sportsmanship and act respectfully towards other candidates.

Process of Nomination

Each school's nomination process is different. Typically, students vote for their favorite individuals, and those with the most votes become a part of the prom court. From this elite group, a final vote is taken to elect the prom king and queen.

Prom queen holding flowers with king

Prom Queen Duties

When you are selected as prom queen, your hard work and campaigning pays off! However, the work isn't over yet. You might be asked to perform some other duties or responsibilities, including the following:

  • Assist the prom court or committee in planning and setting up the prom.
  • Offer fashion advice to other young women.
  • Make guests feel welcome at the event.
  • Engage in special participation at football games, spirit week, or other school activities.

How to Win Prom Queen

Along with the fun and glamour of holding the crown, there are also challenges. Balancing schoolwork, family life, social pressures, and extracurricular activities can be a lot to manage. You need to stay organized. Don't forget small obstacles, either: Does your dress need alterations? What if the elected prom king is not your boyfriend? Be ready to handle these issues in a calm, sophisticated manner.

Prom Queen Qualities and Campaign Ideas