Online Divorce Support Groups and Chat Rooms

Updated June 20, 2018
Mother and daughter during breakfast

When facing divorce, the Internet can be a quick and easy place to turn to find some support, whether in the form of a listening ear or legal advice. The proper support is crucial to overcoming the issues that go hand-in-hand with a divorce.

Divorce Support Group Forums

Forums allow a person to post thoughts or feelings, which are then followed by other participants adding comments or questions after the initial post. Though not a real-time chat format, divorce forums online can be a great place to get insight and discuss shared experiences.

Support Groups: General Divorce Support

A sub-category of the Support Groups website, this active forum has over 48,000 members. Forum posts happen around the clock and are moderated by volunteers. Posts can be categorized by topic including infidelity, family, specific mental disorders, and loneliness in addition to divorce; these tags help readers find the most relevant posts.

A wide variety of issues arise within these forums and the conversations are active and largely supportive. Registration to participate is free.

Divorce Source: Legal Perspectives

Divorce Source is a free online forum focused on the legal aspects of divorce; they do not provide legal counsel but rather ask participants to consider it all "friendly advice." The forum moderators also provide various resources and suggestions for further legal consultations and guidance. The forums are active with numerous participants; register for free before participating in the forums.

Psych Central: All Divorce Topics

The Divorce and Separation Forums at Psych Central are a sub-category of their larger Relationships and Communication Forums. Psych Central is an award-winning website that has been around since 1995. Though the website and forums are run by mental health professionals, they do not offer mental health advice intended to replace visiting with a mental health professional. Free registration grants full access to the forums. Dealing With Divorce Grief

The divorce subforum is intended to help participants deal with the grief associated with the loss of a spouse through divorce as opposed to death. Moderated by other members, these active forums are free to access upon joining and creating an account.

First Wives World: Empowering Women

The forums on the First Wives World website focus on empowering women in the midst of all stages of divorce. Registration, which is free, is required before accessing the forum and reading any of its posts. The advantage is that posts cannot be found through regular Internet searches, so friends and family are not likely to stumble upon posts unless they actively search for them on the website after registering themselves.

Divorce Chat Rooms

Chat rooms happen in real time; these online conversations are good for people who simply want to talk with someone about divorce. It's important to remember there is no way to verify the identity of those in a chat room, so use caution and don't supply personal information like your real name, address, or telephone number.

Divorce Recovery

A free, real-time chat room dedicated to conversations about divorce, Divorce Recovery is populated by both male and female members. The chat is moderated and strict rules apply about no vulgar or abusive content within the chat. Join the chat as a guest or by logging on via Facebook, Twitter, or RumbleTalk.

Cupid: Divorced Dating

Specifically for divorced people who are looking for other divorced people to get to know better and perhaps eventually date, Cupid offers a chat room that is free with registration. Users can also log on using their Facebook profiles.

Divorce Angels: Divorce Support Chat

Designed to offer divorce chat for "venting" or asking questions, Divorce Angels features a chat room along with private chat options. There's no need to register to enter the chat; visitors can hop right onto the chat as a guest.

Legal Support

Legal divorce support services are abundant online, but keep in mind that many states have very specific divorce laws; advice offered on some websites may not be applicable in your state.


Basic legal information pertaining to divorce is offered on the DivorceNet website, as are referrals to local divorce attorneys. Some information available on this website is state-specific.

LawHelp provides referrals to low-cost divorce assistance as well as legal aid. Resources can be searched by state. Not everyone qualifies for free or low-cost legal aid, but ample resources and advice are available through this website.

Legal Zoom

The Legal Zoom team assists users throughout the entire divorce process. This isn't a free service but is an appropriate option for couples who are in agreement about divorcing and want a simplified option for completion.

Moving Forward

Divorce can be an exquisitely difficult and painful process for everyone involved. No one can foresee what unexpected problems may arise but you can set your family up for ultimate coping success by taking action early. Seeking divorce support online is a perfect way to begin those first shaky steps. The feelings of security and measured control that come with taking charge will carry you and your children safely into the next phase of your new life.

Online Divorce Support Groups and Chat Rooms