How to Make Ear Candles at Home

Updated June 5, 2018
Ear candle supplies

Ear candling is a form of alternative therapy where waxed cloth is created into a cone shape. The tip of the candle is placed within or just outside the ear canal while the other end is lit. This is supposed to create a vacuum effect to get rid of wax and toxins. While you can buy these candles, making them at home is relatively easy but check with your doctor before you make or use them.

Getting Your Ingredients

Once you get your doctor's approval, you'll find that making an ear candle isn't an intensive project - but it might take a bit of practice. However, to even get started you need to have the right ingredients.

  • Strips of cotton muslin
  • Wax (beeswax works great)
  • Dowel (tapered one preferable)
  • Scissors
  • Double boiler
  • Olive oil
  • Essential oil like eucalyptus (optional)
  • Newspaper or cloth to avoid mess or dripping
  • Tongs

Step 1: Cut the Material

After laying out your newspaper or cloth, you'll want to cut the muslin into strips that are about a quarter of an inch wide. The length of the strips and how many you have is up to you.

Step 2: Melt the Wax

Next, you'll want to set up the double boiler to begin melting the wax. This might take a bit, but it is pivotal to monitor the wax temperature. It should not exceed 250F, because the flash point of wax is 300F. This is where the wax could light on fire. Once the wax is good and melted, you can choose to add a few drops of essential oil. However, this is optional.

Step 3: Oil the Dowel

Before you can wind the muslin on to the dowel, you need to oil it to ensure that the candle will not adhere to the wood. Add a substantial amount of oil to the dowel, making sure it is good and coated.

Step 4: Wrap Dowel With Plain Muslin

To prevent wax from dripping down the inside of the candle when using it, wrap the dowel in two layers of non-waxed muslin first and then wrap it with the wax coated muslin.

Step 5: Dip and Wind

Using the tongs, dip the muslin in the wax. Allow the muslin to cool slightly then take and wrap the strip around the dowel. You want to start at the narrow end and work your way up. The cone should be roughly 10 or so inches long when finished. Making the tip of your candle can get a bit tricky and might take a bit of trial and error.

Step 5: Pull the Candle From the Dowel

After the candle has sufficiently cooled into your tapered candle shape, you can twist it back and forth to loosen it off the dowel.

Step 6: Allow the Candle to Fully Dry

Let your candle sit until completely dry. You can also trim the ends of the candle for consistency. Now, your candle it ready to use.

Potential Dangers and Controversy

Many doctors and health practitioners believe that ear candling is ineffective and dangerous. Tests conducted on the remains left inside an ear candle after the procedure documented that the waxy residue and ashy powder found in most used ear candles is actually residue and remains from the candle itself, not anything that has been drawn out of the ear.

Personal Injury Examples

People who have tried ear candling have experienced severe pain and burning from hot wax dripping down inside the candle and lodging in the eardrum. This can cause permanent damage to the ear canal and the eardrum.

Kit Dangers

At-home ear candling kits can be dangerous as well. Often the wax will drip onto the skin, onto furniture or other flammable objects. The flame of the candle can also get quite high. If you do decide to use ear candles after getting your doctor's okay, have a friend or relative assist you.

Making Your Own Made Simple

Ear candles are a form of alternative medicine that is used to remove the toxins from the ear. It supposedly helps with wax build up and tinnitus. However, there isn't any true science to back up these claims. If you want to give candling a try with a few simple ingredients, you can make these at home but always check with your doctor before you use them.

How to Make Ear Candles at Home