Sewing Room Organization Ideas for a Bright, Creative Space

Updated October 28, 2021

Organization for the Modern Sewing Room

Sewing rooms can quickly get cluttered with materials, supplies, and more. This can be a severe issue when you can't find your scissors or your favorite needle bag. Upgrade your sewing room organization to the 21st century through some quick and easy organization hacks.

Use a Mobile Clothing Rack

As you create clothing and other designs, you need somewhere to put them, rather than stacking them on your desk or tossing them on a chair. Grab a mobile clothing rack and organize your creations. You can organize clothing you've created or even material you are going to use. You can also use shower curtain rings on the hangers to store scraps of fabric and loose yarn.

Organize Your Room Around Natural Light

When you have to add lamps and additional lighting sources, this takes up space within your room. However, if you organize your sewing desk around your window, you can open up precious space on your sewing table. And, it's easier to see by the natural light.

Hang a Pegboard to Organize Supplies

Pegboards are great for organization in any room. The pegs can easily hold your scissors, tape measures, and supplies. You can also add shelves or cups to hold important buttons, pins, tacks, and other decorative items. Dedicate an area of the pegboard to thread. Simply add straight pegs into the board and slide the thread rolls on them. You can even go above and beyond by sorting your thread by color.

Repurpose Mason Jars for Supplies

Small supplies like buttons, pencils, chalk, and scissors can sometimes be hard to keep track of when you are working. However, you can use large mason jars to help you keep everything neat in your crafting room. You might even consider creating a mason jar organizer to up your organization game.

Add Book Shelves for Organization

You can use a bookshelf organization system to help you organize your crafts. Put all your supplies in color-coded bins with labels for needles, scissors, chalk, pencils, drawing supplies, and more. You can even line up jars for buttons, sequins, and other flourishes.

Use Stackable Bins for Holding Patterns

Great patterns can quickly pile up. But where should you put them? Clear stackable bins can be great for storing your patterns and can easily fit a bench or desk. Just make to label the patterns in each container. It can also be helpful to group the designs together, like skirts, shirts, etc.

Color Code Fabrics

Have you ever tried to find a fabric and couldn't because it was lost in the mound of different fabrics shoved on your shelf? Rather than just toss your fabric altogether. Try folding it and placing it vertically on a shelf like a record by color. This way, you can see the fabric you need instantly.

Have a Grab and Go Organization Box

If you are extremely short on space in your sewing room, then create a sewing caddy. You can use a tackle box or makeup caddy to short out your thread, measuring tape, pins, buttons, ribbon, and more. And, it's easy to grab and go.

Hang Patterns to Minimize Clutter

If you are a fashionista that likes to create your own designs, you might find they quickly clutter up your workstation. Rather than let your precious drawings get lost or harmed in the mess, use the wall space for your pattern gallery. This makes patterns easy to see and grab for your next creation.

Use Hooks to Hang Pieces

If your sewing room doesn't have room for a mobile sewing cart, or it's sharing space with an office, then you can use hooks on the wall to hang up fabrics, scarves, and other creations. The hooks are easy to stack to give you more storage on unused walls.

Use Small Baskets to Organize Thread

Hanging your thread on the wall is an excellent idea. But when you are in the middle of a project, it's nice to have your specific thread colors next to you. Therefore, you can have small baskets on your workstation to organize those threads you are using. These also work great for ribbing, tooling, and elastic.

Use Open Shelf Cubbies

If your sewing supplies are pretty small, cubbies are a great way to organize. Cubbies, along with colored bins, can make it easy to sort out your yarn, fabrics, and patterns. You can even store your sewing machine and works in progress in the cubbies. Therefore, you don't have to have a sewing table out all the time.

Use Large Baskets for Fabric Overflow Organization

When you are trying to create an organized space but still want it to look good, you can try using decorative baskets for storage. These work great for fabric scraps, works-in-progress, and overflow fabric. Plus, the basics come in all kinds of designs, which can spice up the look of your room. It's functional and decorative.

Use a Large Sewing Table

If you have a spacious room for sewing, you can buy a large sewing table. This provides you with space to cut fabric, sew, and have all your materials at your fingertips. You can then store overflow items on shelves, in storage bins, or within cubbies.

Hang Long High Shelves

The area near the ceiling in your sewing room is wasted space. So, utilize it. Put high shelves around your whole sewing room. Add your supplies to clear bins with labels, and you have a plethora of off-the-floor storage at your disposal. While this isn't perfect for fabrics you are using right now, it can keep all your materials for your next project organized.

Sort Thread, Yarn, and Ribbon by Color

There's a reason why those JoAnn Fabric thread bins are so handy. You can find what you need immediately. Take a sewing room organization idea from them and store your thread, yard, ribbon, tool, etc., in easy-to-pull-out bins by color. This way, you'll find exactly the color you need in no time flat. And, it saves you from having to dig through a tote or basket.

Choose Furniture With Storage

One of the best ways to organize your sewing supplies is by using furniture with storage. For example, a bench with storage can house different fabrics and finished quilts. Desk with storage drawers can have dividers for your needs thread, ribbons, etc. You can even get shelves with rods underneath of them to use as ribbon holders. Having furniture with additional storage areas makes everything neat and tidy.

Utilize Stacked Shelves

Stacked shelves are another great way to give yourself more space. You can just have a few stacked shelves over your workstation or have several around the room. These are great for adding bins with materials and tools. You can get creative with the bins, too, by adding decorative bins and containers. These add an artsy, decorative feel but serve as storage.

Hang Patterns for Ease

Do you have a lot of large patterns that get lost or cluttered? Hang them up on a rack or hooks. Get hangers with clasps to slide onto the pattern. It's easy to find and grab on the rack. No more lost patterns for you.

Repurpose Furniture to Create Storage

Do you have an old desk or armoire? Rather than throw it away, you can repurpose it into storage for your sewing room. The cupboards make perfect cubbies for projects in progress, fabric, and patterns. The shelves on the top can hold containers and supplies. You can even put a pegboard behind the shelves to make them more functional. It's aesthetically pleasing and useful.

A Functional, Organized Sewing Room

Don't let your sewing room get cluttered. Instead, try a few sewing room organization ideas to keep your space functional and organized. Not only will your sewing space look amazing, but all your supplies will be at the tip of your fingers. Cleaning and organization ideas are perfect for keeping you on track and ready to get creative.

Sewing Room Organization Ideas for a Bright, Creative Space